About us

Hello there,

If you're here and reading this the chances are you're a fan of Warsim the Realm of Aslona!

I started work on Warsim back in 2015 as a little test project to learn to code, but somehow got wrapped in a cycle of expanding and overhauling it for years until a small community built up around it.

2017 it ended up on steam and from there it grew even more. Not long before covid hit I took Warsim on fulltime and since then it has been my sole income source and also the pit of my passion.

100s of updates and 1000s of player suggested features turned it into something way more than I could have ever dreamed, and if you have supported it in any way you contributed to that so I appreciate you to no end!

So why this website? And why a collectors edition? Well Warsim sales fluctuate and truth be told I am not living well, I am in between working on Warsim, a new game project, and also my band at the moment and probably could not fit anything else into that at the moment. So instead I've gone down the path of producing my own collectors edition to help out.

This is the way to support Warsim if you really want to help, and get yourself some neat goodies at the same time!

If you have any questions please drop me a message via the contact form and I'll do my best to get back to you

All the best

Your boy,
